After another quarantine period, I am pleased to announce (yet) another
maintenance release of my flag-ship toy, Qtractor, an Audio/MIDI
multi-track "bedroom" sequencer for the techno-boy (and girl:).
Probably, the major feature highlight for this release, is the new
optional support for in-place audio clip pitch-shifting through Chris
Cannam's Rubber Band Audio Time Stretcher library. This one alone just
closes the gap on the techno-boy/girl bedroom-studio prospects, so let's
move along, nothing really new to see here :) However, given there were
many inner changes in the audio rendering engine everything might just
sound a lot less glitchy than previous releases. Therefore, everybody is
welcome to upgrade. And please, don't be shy ;)
Qtractor 0.1.3 (frugal damsel) has been released!
Grab it while visiting the project pages:
Here's some direct links to the most wanted pieces:
I've tears in my eyes.... I just downloaded the manual...
What have we (lazy people) done to deserve this?