On Tuesday 12 February 2013 19:01:39 Al Thompson
On 02/12/2013 06:25 PM, drew Roberts wrote:
copyright prevents you from recording a song, or creating sheet
music, and providing copies to others. The "right of copying" remains
with the author/composer.
So does the right of public performance, right? Does performing while
walking down the street not count? What about a marching band?
Well, I do know that marching bands pay licensing fees.
But the single guy walking down the street whistling the tune does not have
What about two friends then?
What is the magic number where it changes from being:
"Don't be such a fool, of course copyright does not restrict that!"
"Don't be such a fool, of course it is stealing if they do that without paying
the songwriter!"
all the best,
Full ACK, it would depend to the right of assembly of your country. Who
pays the collecting societies for roaring hooligans?