On Tuesday 20 December 2005 14:32, Dave Phillips
NE creates output formatted for MusiXTeX/PMX,
LilyPond, abc, MIDI,
and MusicXML, an impressive number of targets. I'm planning to
include it with the LilyPond profile precisely because it is such a
superb front-end for LilyPond.
I agree with Hans re: usage. Apps succeed in the world because of
their merit and because people actually use them. I also agree that
getting the word out is important to the public awareness of the app.
So maybe you should consider writing an article about NoteEdit ? I'm
not joking, there are a number of venues that would be interested in
such an article.
thanks for you suggestion. i am considering doing it.
i suppose
people need to know that noteedit is user friendly and
gui. or maybe you could emphasize this.
I will. There will be screenshots. :)
cool, thank you.
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