Kai Vehmanen wrote:
Another interesting app, which recently got JACK
transport support is
Soundtracker. Far from perfect, but I've managed to get
ecasound+soundtracker to work together. Basicly I had one soundtracker as
the JACK master and two ecasounds as JACK slaves. I could press 'start'
and 'stop' in soundtracker and both ecasound sessions would react to these
events. Unfortunately soundtracker doesn't yet map the position
information to song position, so you always had to start the recording
from start. Still, I did manage to record a simple track with this setup
and then mix it (.xm from st, one .wav from each ecasound). This is a big
improvement as normally I'd need to render the .xm to .wav after each
First, thanks to Steve and Kai for the informations.
I have look at soundtracker. It's funny but in the Jack/application page
it is noted that soundtracker is "jackified" since version 0.6.7 and on
the soundtracker pages the last version is 0.6.6 and it is indicated
that developement has been suspended. I have not check the CVS ...
surely the place to go ;-)
Concerning Rosegarden, I have the same problem that Moeflon. vu-meter
indicate that some sounds are played (well they are moving at least ...)
but no sound at the output. Since it was my first attempt to play some
soundfonts out of my SBlive, the problem may be somewhere else !!