On Sat, 19 Jan 2013 16:32:23 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Some Asian countries tend to kill people who have
contact to drugs,
homosexuality is indictable, they tend to call it sodomy by their laws,
they don't have liberty of the press, they ignore protection of species +
they tend to ignore copyrights, patents, human rights, safety regulations
for the illegal copies of patented products they try to sell on the
European market.
... and I think to myself - what a wonderful world.
The German law is hard regarding to offended
copyrights and patents. The
GEMA is a mafia, they overdo their work, ruin the lives of people who
didn't pay the GEMA, even kindergartens are sued for singing songs in
IANAL. I hope you're aware that if you make a joke about Mohammed, it
could cause, that in some Islamic countries the ambassador of your country
will be killed.
Mmustnn't . .. only if someone takes your "joke" and uses it to stir up
a riot in an area where premeditated murder is to be committed.
But too OT for me, sorry.