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Patrick Shirkey schrieb:
Check the page on the om wiki about plugins. It has links to most of the
main ladspa deps.
Thanks for the hints, Patrick - i installed every last one of the
recommended LADSPA-Stuff unfortunately it did not help:
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Attack Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Attack Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Decay Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Decay Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Release Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /saw_detuned/amp_env/Release Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to make connection /saw_detuned/note_in/Gate ->
ERROR: Unable to make connection /saw_detuned/note_in/Trigger ->
ERROR: Unable to make connection /saw_detuned/note_in/Frequency ->
ERROR: Unable to make connection /saw_detuned/freq_offset_2/Summed
Output -> /saw_detuned/saw2/Frequency
ERROR: Unable to make connection /saw_detuned/freq_offset_1/Summed
Output -> /saw_detuned/saw1/Frequency
ERROR: Unable to find port /saw_detuned/amp_env/Attack Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find port /saw_detuned/amp_env/Decay Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find port /saw_detuned/amp_env/Sustain Level
ERROR: Unable to find port /saw_detuned/amp_env/Release Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /string/adsr_g+t_0/Attack Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /string/adsr_g+t_0/Attack Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /string/adsr_g+t_0/Decay Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /string/adsr_g+t_0/Decay Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /string/adsr_g+t_0/Release Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find object /string/adsr_g+t_0/Release Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to make connection /string/note_in_0/Frequency ->
ERROR: Unable to make connection /string/note_in_0/Frequency ->
ERROR: Unable to make connection /string/note_in_0/Gate ->
ERROR: Unable to make connection /string/note_in_0/Trigger ->
ERROR: Unable to make connection /string/sine_fcac_0/Output ->
ERROR: Unable to make connection /string/note_in_0/Frequency ->
ERROR: Unable to find port /string/adsr_g+t_0/Attack Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find port /string/adsr_g+t_0/Decay Time (s)
ERROR: Unable to find port /string/adsr_g+t_0/Sustain Level
ERROR: Unable to find port /string/adsr_g+t_0/Release Time (s)
So what are these "ports" it does not find? Do i need to start another
process or set something up before it works?
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