On 01/23/2015 11:57 AM, Hermann Meyer wrote:
I've get a new (used) mobo, and played with
the kernel version to use.
So far I've tested all from 3.19.0-rc5 down to 3.4.104
Those, were rt-patches available I test as rt-kernel.
Best results, I only get with the 3.4 series, all later kernels
introduce Xruns here, sporadic, unrelated to the dsp load, even, when
just jack is running.
I build then all with the same configuration, play a bit with
configurations deselect hyper-threading on the latest kernels, use
threadedirqs, all to no avail. Only 3.4.xxx-rt kernel run absolute smooth.
So, which kernels with witch configuration do you all use?
Hi Hermann,
On my Quad Core Core2 machine I'm still on 3.2 RT. Works like a charm, I
only get xruns when using very low latency settings like -p8 -n3 -r48000.
Hi Jeremy
Well, I guess the 3.2 RT will work here as well, just kernels > 3.4
started to behave bad.
The main reason I would use later kernels, special >3.18 is, that they
have a big improvement in the nouveau driver. Lately the 3.19.0-rc5
detect my card correct and handle the GPU mem correct.