On Friday 07 January 2005 08:03, Christoph Eckert wrote:
One solution
is to pre-connect the vdeo audio to JACK via a
jackplug or "jacklaunch", but if the video is already
playing, no dice.
Yeah, like always: we have no common soundserver :( .
If you have running JACK all time and using KDE, you can make
arts a JACK client and make kaffeine play the video through
arts to jack.
Best regards
Well, I'm using KDE and plan on sticking with it, so this is of
interest to me and I expect others getting started on linux/audio.
Aren't Gnome and KDE working to be "compatible" ie apps in one run
in the other?
One of my problems is I'm learning audio and linux at the same time;
I'm an old-IBMmainframe-Win3.1 APL user / sax player. I'm having fun
but not attempting Jack & all yet.
OT Anyone know how I can get my rh9 kmail to see my rh8 kmail mailboxs
on my mounted rh8 partion? If you, answer Please start a new thread or
reply to me directly (to keep this tread on topic).
Marv in Lex. KY