I've been trying to find where I had once seen some documentation of the jconv conf
file format, but can't find it.
The headings are:
in out gain delay offset length chan file
Now, in and out are the count of input and output channels, and gain is pretty
"delay", I'm remembering from experimentation some years ago, is the
pre-delay, i.e. after the sound is received and before it is applied to the impulse, yes?
Offset and length are ways of "chopping" or trimming the impulse, right? i.e.
"offset" to remove any noise in the impulse WAV prior to the crack, and
"length" to trim off residual noise after the echoes die down.
I'm not sure what "chan" is, though it seems like it wants to be the same as
"out"-- the number of channels of the file. "file" is pretty obvious.
One more question: is there any way to route input channels to output channels inside
i.e. if I have two input channels, X and Y, and 4 output channels, A, B, C, D, is there
some way to route X->A, Y->B, X->C, Y->D ?