luis jure wrote:
scons was not too problematic to build and install,
although a little
confusing at first. but now that it's installed, i've had no luck with
csound5, compilation fails somewhere on the way. what about you, have you
had better luck? or anyone?
BTW, my installation has no man page either.
I just built and ran Csound5, using today's (April 24) CVS sources. The
compile stalled until I realized I needed to add useJack=1 to the scons
command. So far I've tested the trapped.csd in the examples directory
and a test file for MIDI input. The CSD file played very well in
realtime, but the MIDI input was absolutely awful, with the worst
latency I've heard from Csound in years. IIRC, none of the Csound5
development group has a working Linux MIDI system, so I don't have high
hopes that it's going to be corrected soon. Also, it should be noted
that Csound5 is only in beta right now, so it would be unfair to judge
it while still incomplete. I haven't yet tried it with Oeyvind
Brandtsegg;s ImproSculpt, but again I don't have high hopes, too many
needed opcodes were missing from Csound5 the last time I tried it with
Oeyvind's file.
It's a great shame that Istvan Varga's contributions from years ago
haven't been worked into canonical Csound yet. I'm seriously considering
returning to his sources and trying again to build them under RH 9. I
ran into some deep problems the last time I tried to compile it here,
perhaps I'll dig into the sources this time and find how to fix it.
Btw, I installed SCons myself some time ago, when Planet C wasn't
up-to-date with CheeseTracker, so I don't have the default Planet C
installation. I even updated to the latest version, but I still don't
have a man page for SCons...