Hence I said "at best", meaning, in the
best case scenario some FOSS
tools may be functionally equivalent. I think the exception might be
JACK, as the case could be made that it is functionally superior to
any other inter-application audio and midi routing framework.
as good as JACK is, it's a little bit of a red herring.
JACK needs to be as good as it is for any linux audio to be worthwhile.
when you have lots of things doing seperate jobs then yes you need
something like JACK to be able to deal with it all.
proprietary music software such as cubase/ableton live/protools doesn't
need anything like that.
Suggest changing term from "proprietary" to "monolithic". Difference
philosophy when designing programs. You can do monolithic programs on
Linux just as well as you can on Windows or OS X.
authenticity, honesty, community