Lars Luthman wrote:
On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 15:27 +0200, I. I. Ooisen
>(i just found this!) the developers of noteedit say on their site they
>want to end noteedit development because nobody cares about noteedit.
>this makes me angry.
>on their official page, they are blaming us for this situation. (maybe
>they are right, maybe they are wrong.)
>GNU/LINUX (cause that's what it is!), doesn't deserve to be ignored.
>what is wrong with us? i wonder why most of us ignore it...
>is it because noteedit is a kde app and most of us are gnome supporters?
>is it because we all afford to buy finale and don't need a GPL score
If I recall, this all came about because a (false) rumor was being
spread about Finale being ported to Linux, and this was perceived as a
threat to the future success of NoteEdit.
I doubt it's a KDE issue, either, since Rosegarden (the *other* score
editor) is also a KDE application.
Do "most of us" actually use score editors?
I prefer piano rolls myself,
I can barely read notes.
I use Rosegarden extensively for score editing.
-- Brett