Paul Winkler wrote:
And i've
seen punk rock bands play in a room where the power is so
bad that the guitarist's digital effects gadgets keep shutting down
due to insufficient voltage.
In other words, it really depends on the "venue". :)
Forgot to mention - I have also *performed* in a venue
where the power (ALL of it) cut out twice during our show.
I guess they were pushing the circuit breakers a bit hard.
Would have really sucked if I'd had to reboot.
Fortunately I was playing bass. :)
Audience was maybe 200, pretty big gig by my standards.
i'll never forget the musical i put on as an undergraduate - full
lighting rig, i was playing synth with the other composer. in the back
of the orchestra pit with a rock band in there too... lotsa miking all
over the place.... opening night, the conductor raises his baton and all
the lights go out... major power shortage!!! they came back on 5mins
later... much to our relief!
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