Fabio wrote:
Em terça-feira 21 dezembro 2010, às 12:17:24,
Dave Phillips escreveu:
Some distro
maintainers obviously feel that this means they can ignore his wishes if
they so please
Did you read the messages?
Every one, from your first post to the latest. I understand them, too.
AUR-scripts are usermade.
And it makes no difference to the point. In effect the users become
package maintainers, and they are still acting opposite to the *request*
made by the developer.
To me, the issue is one of civility. It's not like Paul's thoughts on
the matter are unclear. At any time the script writer(s) could have
directly asked Paul whether he could be supportive of the script.
Perhaps then they could have worked out an acceptable scheme to preclude
this kind of thread. Perhaps they would have been dissatisified with his
response and proceeded to do as they did anyway, but at least there
would have been some dialog. As it is, he finds out about this stuff by
surprise, and then we have this thread.
I build A3 daily from SVN sources. If I have a question or lament about
it I go to IRC, not here and not on the Ardour forums. That is what the
developer has asked testers to do and I feel I should honor his request.
Yes, I'm certainly free to do otherwise, but I understand why Paul makes
the request and I respect it.
Lots of Arch user might have respected Pauls wish and not written a
PKGBUILD, others may not have respected the wish or not have known it.
You can't expect everyone to know it, it's easy to get the svn link etc.
without knowing Pauls wishes. So yeah, the PKGBUILD could be deleted
from AUR but someone else will upload another one, because that's the
way we work, we write and share PKGBUILDs.
So from my point of view this discussion is pointless.
Adding messages to the PKGBUILD is a nice gesture of whoever maintains
the PKGBUILD at the time and the only solution.
I spare myself criticism regarding cooperation in the past and the
increasing tendency to control, but one more thing to think about:
'advertising' A3 features on the one hand and trying to preventing
'casual' users is contradictory.