I don't know if they work properly or not but, it's that we have on
http://www.sirlab.de/linux/descr_vocoder.html (yours)
I am of benefit of this mail to quickly introduce myself :
I read this list since 2 or 3 months, good M-L !
I'm musician (drums, guitars, voice, too all that makes sounds just-for-fun),
teacher's one too (drums, batucada, african's percussions, rock's workshop,
road's art, ...)
I'm too administrator for
http://www.linuxmao.org .
My english is not the best one, but I made some french's translations for correct this
with : Audacity (website and manual) and Hydrogen (GUI) at the moment.
Translation for Ardour's manuals are "on the road in my head", but nothing
has begun.
Happy to meet you all.