Small misunderstanding: This thread is about
ordering firewire-pcmcia
controllers. Not about ordering firewire-audio-devices. ;-)
argh, you're right. Sorry for the traffic.
And looking at what you want to replace, you
would need one of the biggest
saffires and an extra adat-interface. Which isn't exactly cheap. And would
be a hell of setup "just" for playing some synths.
True. I simply want to get rid of this monster rack mixer. What I basically
need is a 28x28 patchpanel with software patchcables and firewire
connectivity :) .
The SAFFIRE PRO 26 I/O looks interesting. If I got you correctly you'd plug in
an adat interface as an a/d converter, right? If there an adat device with 16
line ins?
Please note that the saffire pro does not have a full-blown matrix
mixer. So it will not do what you want to do.
The only devices I know that have this functionality are the MOTU
interfaces, the PreSonus FireStudio and AFAIK the M-Audio Pro-26.
Also note that most of them have only 8 (maybe 10) analog I/O's.