Martin McCormick wrote:
I am confused. The man page for sox lists what
appears to be
an effect called pick in which you provide it with a channel number
from 1 to 4 or a -l or -r flag to select either left or right audio to
feed to the output file.
After getting complaints from sox, I listed the -help output
and got:
sox: Known effects: avg band bandpass bandreject chorus compand copy
dcshift deemph earwax echo echos fade filter flanger highp highpass
lowp lowpass map mask pan phaser pitch polyphase rate resample
reverb reverse silence speed stat stretch swap synth trim vibro vol
no pick. The manual contains the following passage:
phaser gain-in gain-out delay decay speed < -s | -t >
pick [ -1 | -2 | -3 | -4 | -l | -r ]
pitch shift [ width interpole fade ]
polyphase [ -w < nut / ham > ]
Is this something peculiar to the Debian distribution for sox
or what? Am I just misunderstanding the instructions and trying to
use pick in the wrong way?
Thank you.
Martin McCormick WB5AGZ Stillwater, OK
OSU Information Technology Division Network Operations Group
It is just a slightly outdated man page. You must be looking at Debian
stable, because Debian testing has the man page in sync with the
executable. What you want is the "avg" effect. So to take only the
left channel of a stereo WAV file, one could give the command:
sox stereo.wav -c 1 mono.wav avg -l
For the other channel:
sox stereo.wav -c 1 mono.wav avg -r