On Thu, 13 Oct 2016 21:12:23 +0200
Robin Gareus <robin(a)gareus.org> wrote:
The future of audio plugins ?
Hopefully none... the whole concept of loading some binary blobs into
some host and expecting scalable reliable realtime performance is
absurd to begin with. Oh well, I suppose it could be worse.
What would then be an alternative ? To switch DAWs because of the
processing they offer ?
Plugins that
network themselves together, sharing audio analysis,
sharing data, taking decisions together on how to apply themselves
as a group to an audio track, to stems, to a whole session.
Would that not be like an instrument playing itself?
Something akin to Artificial Intelligence. A small 'decisional' (don't
have the right word here) network, each node providing its own view on
the subject, with a decision taken as a common accord.