cat lscp_script.txt | telnet localhost 8888
Trying ::1...
Connection failed: Connection refused
[well all OK from there]
BUT: Nothing ets done. LinuxSampler says this:
LSCPServer: Client connection established on socket:4.
LSCPServer: Client connection terminated on socket:4.
And nothing happens.
IF I start telnet like this:
telnet localhost 8888
I get the same message for a start.
Then I enter each command from the script manually, everything
works jsut
What can it be? You see me truly baffled. I didn't have that
Maybe try to play with "nc"
run "nc -l 1234" in one term and then
"cat lscp_script.txt | telnet localhost 1234"
in another term and "telnet localhost 1234" and
typing in telnet. See what happens. If the
behavior is the same as for LS, LS is not the
guilty one.
What is the difference between "now" and "before"?
What changed in your computer?