On Monday 16 February 2004 00.37, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki hat gesagt: // Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
As far as annectdotal evidence, I'm running
jack and ecasound right now
with jack started this way:
jackstart -v -R -d alsa -d ice1712 -r 44100 -p 128 -n 2
using linux 2.6.2 and alsa-drivers-1.0.2c. Seems to be working fairly
well here. no dropouts or xruns while browsing, writing this mail,
switching desktops, or switching out of X to the console.
Some more anecdotes: I switched to 2.6 now, currently running
2.6.2-rc3 with ALSA CVS and capabilities patch. My laptop even uses
the stock Debian 2.6.0 package. System responsiveness is much improved
in general and even feels faster than my LL and preemptible patched
2.4.22 kernel (I know it isn't but it really does feel so.)
It's possible 2.6 actually _is_ faster (not as in more mhz). Some of the new
features should definitely make a difference, improved threading and improved
scheduler for instance.
There was a test report posted on slashdot a few weeks ago sporting some
server apps running under both kernels. The results where quite astonishing.
I think some of the tests showed over 60% (!!!) better performance (don't ask
me how they counted, I only skimmed it).
Now, testing the kernel with respect to server performance might not have a
lot to do with audio/desktop performance but it's definitely a hint.
On the
audio side I generally don't get any dropouts even under load.
I was switching between 2.4 and 2.6 a lot the last two weeks, and I
still cannot print in 2.6, but in general I really prefer 2.6 now.