On Sat Sep 23, 2006 at 12:38:45PM -0400, Lee Revell wrote:
On Sat, 2006-09-23 at 12:17 -0400, Dana Olson wrote:
The horrible AV sync has nothing to do with
machine speed, and
everything to do with Flash 7 sucking on Linux.
That's what I always thought, but this has come up on other sites and a
lot of Linux users report that YouTube is usable for them...
YouTube is usable for me, but only because of a one-line greasemonkey script i wrote to
replace the flash object with a mplayerplug-in/mozplugger compatible <embed>:
http://whats-your.name/flashsucks right click "Install This User Script" on
youtubewoflash.user.js or youtubedownload.user.js
i suspect the reason behind everyone using flash is, the only format that would likely
work on all platform-specific media player plugins is mpg, (good luck usinc wmv9 on mac,
or quicktime h264 with windows media player by default, and we know they wont go anywhere
near xvid or theora), whereas flash is installed 'everywhere' and its codec is
better than mpg.
as visual media moves to the web, the linux user is effectively shut off from this
experience, or at least given a back-row seat..