Jan Depner wrote:
Yes, I hear a difference there as well. What I need to do is write a
script that will play different wav files at random without telling me
which is which. It should record the order in which they are played and
I would then rate them by number. Run it a few times and see if I
really do hear a difference or if it's all in my head. BTW, I'm running
an ST Audio C-Port DSP2000.
Hi! It's been a while.
That script may or may not be enough for you to really tell the
difference. One thing many people say is that the human ear is not good
at picking out improvements, but it's great at picking out problems. The
long time example of this is to do something like this:
1) Do all your work for a week at one resolution, say 44.1K or 16 bit or
whatever. your ears get used to this. Then move temporarily to some
level you expect is better, like 24/96. In general you won't hear much
2) Do all your work for one week at a 'better' resolution, such as
24/96. Then move temporarily to the 16/44.1 environment. In general you
will hear the difference.
I think another area where this sort of 'logic', if you will, shows
up is when comparing dithering techniques. Sometimes I just can't tell
that a certain dither is better, but often I get an impression that
another is worse. It's all pretty subtle, and when you get old like me
you aren't sure you can trust your ears enough to make a decision.
Just my 2 cents,