Rui Nuno Capela posted a nice rtirq script (for RT preempt) to the
ccrma list. Read the thread to get it working in CCRMA, I have it
currently working under gentoo if anyone i interested in that.
On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 10:41:41 -0500, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki
<eric(a)> wrote:
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
Florian Schmidt wrote:
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 23:04:39 -0500
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki <eric(a)> wrote:
In the former case, just making all irq handlers threaded except for the
soundcard irq handler should give pretty good results already (also run
jack at a prio of 60 or 70 in this case). For this the "threaded irq
handlers" section on the page you quoted should be accurate.
How do I set
jackd's priority?
after reviewing the wiki, I see this is the job of chrt.
-eric rz.