On Wed, 2014-08-06 at 02:25 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Tue, 2014-08-05 at 16:28 -0700, Kevin Cosgrove
In the end you need to control your mix at different volumes, but doing
the initial mix at household noise level is good not only regarding
reflections from the walls, it's the best you can do, assumed you want
to be an audio engineer for your whole life and not to become hearing
impaired in the way as most of the young humans under the age of 20
nowadays are.
Btw. unfortunately I'm used to volumes louder than household noise level
even for the initial mix too. Not only our hearing needs louder volumes,
but also speakers and even headphones aren't that good at lower volumes.
Neither our hearing nor the electrical technology is good at low
volumes, OTOH household level should be the volume we should be used
too. If we need it louder, we already have a problem with our health.
We perhaps aren't hearing impaired, but we likely suffer from some kind
of tinnitus, high blood pressure, lack of concentration etc.. It seems
to be, that the louder the music is, the less affect is caused by the
differences between the hearing of our left and right ears to our