dee <deetee(a)> writes:
The patches i am using are those from apt-get install
kernel-patches-debian-2.6.6. --added-patches=debian applies them. (i
BUT i don't think my patching is relevant, i only mention it in case
someone said 'aaah, yes, those debian-patches...bla". as you say below it
realtime-lsm is a module, and its that that i have a problem with.
Right. AFAIK, Debian does not distribute the realtime-lsm as a kernel
patch. They did that for the 2.4 low-latency patch, but realtime-lsm
is a separate package.
--append-to-version foo --added-patches=debian
Then when thats done, make menuconfig, set up the things you patched for and
then 'make-kpkg kernel-image modules-image'
? i'm not sure this will help, this is essentially what i've done, just in
one step. am i missing something?
kernel-image makes, but modules-image barfs....
any further thoughts, or correction in my errant ways welcome...
I'm confused about what you're doing. Are you trying to build a
kernel? If so, why? Otherwise, why use make-kpkg?
> I have the realtime-lsm debian supplied sources.
It's built as a module like
> ALSA or Nvidia drivers or lmsensors, not a patch to the kernel like say,
> lowlatency and preempt for 2.4
Have you tried compiling the Debian sources for realtime-lsm?