Russell Hanaghan wrote:
Shayne O'Connor wrote:
Russell Hanaghan wrote:
So just a follow up here:
Indeed, PclinuxOS (PCLOS) is up and alive with Thac's splendid sound
packages amongst others. I Just wiped my MDK install from my
production box (Rather an anxious moment) and installed PCLOS from a
single CD. Then after install I fired up APT and added Thac's RPMs
compiled specifically for PCLOS and have all the core audio apps
installed and running on one of Svetjlo's RT kernels with no problems.
hey there russell
i've dowloaded and installed the pclinuxos live cd ... got thac's apt
repo happening ...
had a few troubles getting rid of KDE and switching to Gnome/XFCE4, but
i think i'm about there now ...
however ... which kernel, from which repository, am i supposed to be
using? with the multi-media kernel, i'm able to start jackd realtime,
however it says it can't lock memorly lock the RT thread ... if i use
Thac's pre-empt kernel, i can't seem to be able to get real-time
privileges at all ... it's a bit confusing, since i'm a CCRMAer thru and
thru, but it would be great to get a live cd setup with ardour and
hydrogen and the other apps i use for recording ... (my recording buddy
uses windows, but wants a way to edit the stuff we do on my linux box
without actually installing linux).
Here's the link for step by step on Mklivecd. It is written for MDK
but same rules apply for PCLOS.
These guys are devs for PCLOS as well.
Did a little research on this RT issue last night...
So using the kernel above, (Im sure you know this already but for the
1./ #rmmod capability
#rmmod commoncap
#modprobe realtime any=1 gid=29
2./ "gid=29" assumes your user is added to group 29. The realtime
gid option can be for any group number.
3./ Set jack to run R/T in either Qjackctl or whatever.
This gave me RT operation with no issues. Had it running at 64 x 2
48000 on my XP 2500+, 1 gig, Delta 1010LT, Alsa 1.09rc2. Only the odd
Xrun when Ardour or some other apps fire up or shut down.
> can you give me some general tips on what your alsa/jack/kernel setup is
> with pclinuxos, which repositories you have enabled etc ...
> help would be much appreciated, and i hope this can be as good as it
> sounds :)
> shayne
Just a quick update on an old thread....This is by no means dead!
PclinuxOS is at version .91 with .92 about to be released. Thac has been
working hard resolving packaging and compiling issues for this distro
and nearlly all of the "heart and soul" audio apps we all love are
almost there in current versions, including Qsampler / linux sampler (eh
hem...Mr Knecht! :) ) Additionally, xfst on wine 20050930 is available
and working well.
PclinuxOS has the most current Xorg CVS, primarilly uses KDE 3.4.3 but
also has fluxbox, xfce4, blackbox and even Gnome available in the APT
repositories if you elect to do a HD install.
You can still download the single iso here:
with more info on the Distro here: and extensive forum
support as well as an IRC channel
And go to: (Thac's RPM's) for instructions on
how to add his rpm repositories to APT should you elect to install PCLOS.
Stay tuned. Hopefully, soon there will be an exciting announcement with
regard to audio / mm specific news related to this distro.