I like Phasex, but am clueless about programming softsynths, and creating
patches. That said I've managed to create a patch that sounds a bit like a
piano, but not like my acoustic upright piano. Patches attached below.
My piano is a Focke straight strung job from the the early 1900's, and has a
really bright sound. I have another piano, an overstrung one, but the sound
is quite heavy on that.
Back to Phasex and the attached patches.
The first one, Piano-047.phx was my first go, and I wasn't too happy with it.
I the posted the patch to Folderol on the LAU list, and he came back with
Piano-047a.phx. This was different, and sounded ok, but was not what I was
looking for.
I've had another go today at getting a realistic piano sound, Piano-048.phx,
but this in no way sounds right.
From my googling, creating the sound of an acoustic piano is all but
impossible with a softsynth, but something near to it would be nice.
Any help in improving the attached patches would be welcome.