* Raphaël Doursenaud<rdoursenaud(a)free.fr>
[2012-01-18 12:12]:
Hash: SHA1
Le 18/01/2012 04:04, Jason Jones a écrit :
Has anyone out there used the Raydat interface
successfully with the WCM
(word clock module) add-on card? Does the hdspmixer work with the
raydat? Are there any shortcomings, or any reason I shouldn't use it in
a professional studio?
I own a RayDat and it works great thanks to the work of Adrian Knoth on
the hdspm kernel module and hdspmixer. You should use the git versions
Let me chime in here brielfy, is the hdspmixer, that I use for
Multi/Digifaces also working for HDSPm Madi cards? I didn't know that!
yes, it works. there used to be some minor buglets (which might still
affect your distro packages), but the current version works ootb.