Hello Yves,
thank you for the quick response.
> - How can I increase the size of the used fonts?
This question is formulated in a way to be misunderstood. I'll try to clearify
I'm meaning the character fonts for displaying the GUI of swami, not the
soundfonts. I can't find Information, how to change this values (e.g. 4pt to
Maybe start searching for fluid soundfont on
hammersound.net or
something ?
-rw-r--r-- 1 yves users 142M avr 5 21:49 FluidR3_GM.SF2
Thany for this hint.
I've downloaded this and will test it the end of the
- Fluidsynth
doesn't react on events from swami.
When I connect vkeybd to fluidsynth - all is ok.
Do you see the green light lit in swami ?
yes. Therefore the
fluidsynth-support should be integrated.
May be there is a wrong configuration in the options field.
Here my configruation:
Audio driver:
- type = auto, alsa, jack, oss (no difference)
- device = empty field (standard)
- type = alsa (no entry in qjackctl)
- type = alsa_seq (a new MIDI-input-device entry [fluidsynth] in qjackctl)
- device = empty field (standard)
Could there be a problem with udev?
The main problem seems to be to get audio-out from the fluidsynth to alsa_pcm.
This is done automatically when I start the qsynth-frontend for fluidsynth.
There I get Audio-Ports to connect via qjackctl.
Regards Helmut