That's limiter doesn't exist in the wild yet. Steve is working on it.
I think it's going to be some kind of constant or predictable latency
limiter. Not sure about the exact details.
On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 12:56, derek holzer wrote:
Hi all,
where can I get the LADSPA plugin which
Jamin prefers? I thought it was in the SWH plugins package, but it is
not... at least not the ones I can get with Gentoo...
***Jamin error message***
derek 19:42:38> jamin
jamin 0.8.0
(c) 2003 J. Depner, S. Harris, J. O'Quin, R. Parker and P. Shirkey
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details.
Registering as jamin
Cannot find plugin ''
Cannot find preferred limiter, looking for alternative
***Gentoo ebuild version of SWH plugins***
***Searching for "lookahead_limiter"***
root 19:48:10> find / -name "lookahead_limiter*.so" -print
derek holzer :::
---Oblique Strategy # 131:
"Question the heroic approach"