Dave Phillips hat gesagt: // Dave Phillips wrote:
First, is the kernel itself enough for low-latency
performance ? I
opted for the PREEMPT config, along with the 1000 MHz resolution for the
timer, and I've compiled the RTC into the kernel.
Just try it. For me the stock kernel already is low latency enough,
others may want to go even lower.
So do I now need a PAM or lsm or what ? It's been
a long while since
I configured and compiled a kernel, lots of choices exist that
weren't there the last time I looked. I'm not even sure I know what
PAM and lsm do.
Do you remember "jackstart" and the Capabilities-hack? This is
replaced by the PAM module pam_limits now. The don't give you better
realtime performance itself, they just allow non-root users to run
with higher priorities or nice values and do the memory lock to avoid
Second, do I need to compile anything other than ALSA
for audio/MIDI
USB support ?
No. Just make sure, you don't build the OSS modules or blacklist them
in /etc/hotplug/blacklist
Finally, the build instructions still assume LILO.
What considerations
need to be made for using GRUB instead ?
If you build with make-kpkg (recommended!) you can do some
configuration in "/etc/kernel-img.conf":
This will update your grub-loader automatically, once you install a
new kernel image from a Debian package.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__