On 01/20/2012 04:45 PM, Jack O'Quin wrote:
On Thu, Jan
19, 2012 at 12:13 AM, Dave Phillips<dlphillips(a)woh.rr.com>
> So, I hope you've enjoyed my work for LJ. Thanks for the reads, I've
> enjoyed the writing.
Add my thanks to the host of others, Dave.
I still have the 2000 edition of your excellent _Linux Music& Sound_
book. Though many audio applications have changed drastically since
those days, I keep it for sentimental reasons.
You have done more than anyone I know to spread the word about Linux audio.
there's no other way to say this, Dave (hal9k saying;)
the book and all the lj articles you wrote are now part of the dna of
linux audio
i don't, won't ever, let you go without my most grateful respect--after
all, there's my name honored on one of those articles alone
you made my day and still making my years, Dave (hal9k logging out)
now,... i'm sure Dave will keep doing his greatest "evangelic" (as in
"good news") work as he's been certainly known for
keep it flowing, all the best
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela