On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Carlo
Capocasa<theman(a)carlocapocasa.com> wrote:
Hi everyone!
This is the first verse of my debut song Live Creator. It will be the
first in a long series to be released on my site as CC attribution.
Suggested comments: Does it groove? Are there any errors or
imperfections that irritate you? Do you like it? Does the mix sound
different from what you are used to on your audio system? Does positive
emotion come across?
Thank you so much in advance for your help!
Hey Carlo,
It does groove. The drums don't do it for me though. Louder and more
interesting would be great. Just grab cheap things to wack and some
drum sticks. Some of the jazz or funk hydrogen patterns from brian's
http://briansbedroom.org/ would probably work well too. I
human drummer, even on crappy drums grooves a whole lot more though.
I'm not a big fan of that bass tone. In that track i'd think of a
round wound strings and similar fast notes if you want to keep the
funk vibe or flats played with your thumb if you want a more soul