On Thu, 2009-01-22 at 14:06 +0300, alex stone wrote:
Maybe an odd question, but in about 4 weeks i'll
have the chance to
try out a plasma tv as a monitor.
And i'm now firmly entrenched in my single monitor/multiple desktop
daily usage, so i'm keen to use 1 big monitor and switch. (Because i
can. :) )
Have any of you in our linux audio world such a setup?
If you use a plasma tv, what sort of graphics card are you using, and
how big a screen can i consider, for good resolution on a day in day
out basis?
I can't think of anything less suitable for use as a day-to-day monitor
in a studio. They are electrically noisy, often mechanically noisy with
cooling fans, produce huge amounts of heat and have a very low
You *will* get interference in your audio equipment from it.