On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 11:32:42AM -0800, R Parker
Punchins aren't illegal and anyone can
engineer for
you in a non-destructive DAW like Ardour. If you don't
tell anyone about the punchin then you can move on to
composing and producing another song which makes
everybody happy. :)
--- ---
I guess my (irrational) fear is that a punchin/punchout will somehow be
obvious to the listener--that either there will be an abrupt momentary
change in ambience, an abrupt cutting off of pre-punchin sound as the
punchin occurs, or I'll be in a slightly different mood and the volume
or performance won't match, etc.
This isn't necessarily a problem - Guided by Voices had a brilliant
career but their albums are rife with sloppy drunken 4-track edits ;-)