Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen wrote:
Dave Phillips:
Ceres3 will load L, R, or L+R stereo files.
The problem is that ceres3 only shows/transforms one channel.
ceres1 can handle up to 8 channels simultaniously. Thats a quite huge
internal difference.
Indeed, that's very cool...
I can start
sending you comments
regarding the major differences between Ceres and Ceres3 if you like.
That would be great. I'm not so sure how much time I have to spend on
Ceres right now. But such a list would at laset be nice to put into the
Okay, here are a few items that shouldn't screw around with CeresX
Query before overwrite (during Save)
Ask on Quit
Export as IRCAM partials (useful with Stanko's SculptView)
Pitch grid stuff:
Messiaen modes
user-defined ET intervals
multiply frequencies by [nn]
Btw, I've built and run your latest version. Excellent work, thanks again !