On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 13:12 +0200, Georg Holzmann wrote:
One thought I've had, was asking authors of
fine free VST Plugins to port
their effects and/or synths natively to LV2. - But I guess one the first
questions wich come out of the box will be "which gui toolkit can I use for
it?" right after they figured out how jack, jack-midi and alsa midi
For me the GUI sounds also like a quite annoying problem - wouldn't it
be possible to limit LV2 to one GUI toolkit and then use this for all
applications regardless with which toolkit they are written ?
(E.g. in a separate thread or process - then it would be also possible
to use any toolkit you like in the plugin and it is simply started in
the host ...)
Yes, it is possible. You can load and run the GTK GUIs in a separate
process and use OSC to communicate with the host, just like DSSI does.