On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 04:57:28PM +0200, Giso Grimm wrote:
A new Early Music CD has been produced using FLOSS on
Linux, mainly Ardour:
Sound out my voice - Italian madrigals and bastarda music for viol consort
The CD is played by the viol [1] consort "ORLANDOviols". It is
available via
A video, more or less the making of the CD, is on youtube:
The video is completely made with Blender on Linux.
Just saw the video - absolutely great, congratulations to all
involved in making this. And I immediately orderded a copy of
the CD !
Did you (Giso) make the audio recording ? You could tell a bit
more on how it was done ?
Thanks for posting this !
There are three of them, and Alleline.