hello again,
--- Dave Phillips <dlphilp(a)bright.net> wrote: > Greetings:
I've narrowed down some parts of my current problems with sound.
mouse is definitely a noise-maker: I move, I get a not-nice ripping
noise that tracks along with the mouse movement. I had hoped that the
problem would be the nVidia binary video driver, but the problem
occurs with the kernel sources driver as well. I've appended some
background info in case anyone sees an obvious flaw in the system.
A couple of things: I have no USB devices on this machine, so how
can I get rid of the usb-uhci stuff hanging off the same interrupt
as the SBLive ? Also, would it do any good to switch slots ?
i already replied with the no-hlt suggestion, but still want to add...
my system is actually very similar to yours in that i also have a kt133
chipseet, Nvidia videocard, SBLive card... i even run the same CCRMA
kernel ;-)
about irqs : irq 3 is *very* low priority so definately worth changing.
i would try one of following:
1) see if you can change the irq in the bios. my bios allows to change
certain irq's of pci slots and even onboard devices.
2) move the SBLive to another slot.
if moving to another slot does not change the irq order after you boot
linux, you might have to turn acpi off. you can boot with something
like pci=biosirq or pci=noapic or acpi=off. i need that to avoid that
linux reshuffles my 'perfect' bios irq settings. (i am at work now,
this is from memory 8)
good luck, let us know how you get along...
I've tried a number of different changes to
XF86Config, got no joy
from any. :( I've been working through the various suggestions from
Audio Quality HOWTO, nothing has worked yet. I'm open to any other
non-$$$ suggested solutions...
Best regards,
800 MHz Duron CPU
512 MB RAM
SBLive Value
kernel 2.4.24-ll (Planet CCRMA)
ALSA 1.0.1
[dlphilp@localhost dlphilp]$ lspci
[dlphilp@localhost dlphilp]$ cat /proc/interrupts
0: 11070087 XT-PIC timer
1: 16145 XT-PIC keyboard
2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
3: 175283 XT-PIC usb-uhci, usb-uhci, EMU10K1
8: 1 XT-PIC rtc
9: 0 XT-PIC Ensoniq AudioPCI
10: 976593 XT-PIC nvidia
11: 447118 XT-PIC eth0
12: 575359 XT-PIC PS/2 Mouse
14: 27715 XT-PIC ide0
15: 1676 XT-PIC ide1
NMI: 0
LOC: 11070994
ERR: 45523
MIS: 0
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