Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
While I agree that
linuxaudio.org sites could benefit
from a sidebar or some
other common tool that binds them more together, I honestly do not see such
a thing happening until:
1) community gets more involved, even if that means simple
feedback/communication on the consortium list (i.e. recently we posted final
proposed version of the CD cover and got no feedback whatsoever--whether due
to apathy, disinterest, or something else, I am not sure, needless to
mention that most of our members do not bother posting their announcements
on the consortium list).
2) other sites which are hosted under the
linuxaudio.org do not respond as
if their individuality is being threatened every time there is even the most
remote allusion to the idea that there should be some kind of
unifying/cross-linking framework for the sub-sites.
Recently, I spent a couple of days just dealing with porting of mailing
lists (OSX server, don't get me started...), while helping Thorsten revise
the CD cover for Vol.1 of Made in Linux Series, now I see that the main
linuxaudio.org site needs new news posts regarding recent announcements. And
this is how the story goes, instead of me trying to plan things that will
have a much greater impact (i.e. fund-raising, incorporation), I am always
sidetracked with micro-management since everyone in the LA* community thinks
linuxaudio.org is a great idea but very few want to help out. Even the few
volunteers we got in the fall, out of the ones who did not fizzle out, we
are yet to get *a* contribution...
Please don't get me wrong here, I do appreciate the
effort, and all the work you (and maybe others) are putting into it.
My emotions indicate that I want to help, but my brain keeps on telling
me that freebob already takes too much time. I guess these sort of
things should be done by LAU's rather than LAD's (not that LAD's aren't
LAU's), but they might be a little to busy making music... something
that I'd like to do a little more.
All that being said, the consortium is keeping as busy as always and is
using whatever limited resources it has to the fullest potential. We should
be announcing our contributions soon. Also FWIW,
portal.linuxaudio.org has
been announced on
linuxaudio.org site (see main page), the one site over
which consortium has direct control.
I suggest a link "Portal" under the "Contact" link at the left of
Best wishes,
Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
Linuxaudio.org Director
Virginia Tech
Department of Music - 0240
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-1137
(540) 231-5034 (fax)
-----Original Message-----
From: linux-audio-user-bounces(a)music.columbia.edu [mailto:linux-audio-
user-bounces(a)music.columbia.edu] On Behalf Of Pieter Palmers
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 10:59 AM
To: A list for linux audio users
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] sites at
Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
which you have to
know to find it?
> Best wishes,
> Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.
> Composition, Music Technology, CCTAD, and CHCI
> Virginia Tech
> Dept. of Music - 0240
> Blacksburg, VA 24061
> (540) 231-1137
> (540) 231-5034 (fax)
> ico(a)vt.edu
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: linux-audio-user-bounces(a)music.columbia.edu [mailto:linux-audio-
>> user-bounces(a)music.columbia.edu] On Behalf Of Pieter Palmers
>> Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 4:34 AM
>> To: A list for linux audio users
>> Subject: [linux-audio-user] sites at
>> I was just now looking for some links with respect to low latency
>> configuration to put on the freebob site. I knew that there are some
>> sites *.linuxaudio.org, but I had to use my memory & a gamble to find
>> them (
>> Wouldn't it be good if the main
linuxaudio.org site had a link to all
>> the sub-sites available?
>> Greets,
>> Pieter