Hector Centeno wrote:
>>I was wondering if there is anyone here
successfully using a Miditech
>>Midistudio-2 USB keyboard.
Please make sure you're using ALSA 1.0.9, then add the following at
the end of usb/usbquirks.h and recompile the driver:
/* -------------------------------------- */
USB_DEVICE(0x7104, 0x2202),
.driver_info = (unsigned long) & (const snd_usb_audio_quirk_t) {
.vendor_name = "Miditech",
.product_name = "Midistudio-2 (testing)",
.ifnum = 0,
/* -------------------------------------- */
This will allow the driver to load; it will create two MIDI ports.
However, it's quite possible that this will not use the correct
protcol to talk with the keyboard.
Please show what is output when you're pressing some keys while
running "amidi -a -d -p portname" (see "amidi -l" for a list of
Thanks a lot for this advice. I finally got some time to try it but I
don't want to mess my Planet CCRMA installation. What should I do to
recompile alsa? I downloaded the alsa-driver source from the alsa site
and modified the file usbquirks.h located inside the folder
alsa-kernel/usb. I did configure and make and everything seems ready for
installation. Should I just install on top of the CCRMA alsa-driver?
Both are version 1.0.9 but the installed one has a "b" at the end
(1.0.9b-1.rhfc3.ccrma). If I try to uninstall the alsa-driver using
synaptic it warns about uninstalling a very long list of applications
that depend on it.
Sorry for this, but I'm still a newby on Linux.