On Tue, 17 May 2005, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
Well, back when I had the idea to play drums on a
keyboard I quickly
came to the conclusion that having some e-drums/trigger-pads would
be realy nice ... ;-)
I have a Roland SPD-6 "drum pad", which I absolutely love! Works very
nicely for controlling various MIDI drum synths (the internal sounds suck
as can be expected so you do need external sound sources, but hey, our
Linux computers have plenty to offer :)). It's also relatively cheap
(compared to full MIDI drumset at least). I have foot pedals for hihat and
bass, and use the pads (with real drum sticks) for rest.
I'd be curious to know what other low-budget MIDI-drumming solution people
use (aside computer/synth keyboard drumming)...?
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