I have to agree 100% with Lee. If I an author / software creator / plumber
/ electrician / artist / you name it
Sure I can give my work away for free, volunteer my services at a local aid
agency, and so forth.
It would be at MY discretion to do so. If I expect to feed my family also
By performing those sort of tasks, then I have to charge or get a salary
from someone willing to pay for those services.
Phil J.
On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 05:27 +0100, Cesare Marilungo wrote:
In fact sharing mp3 files shouldn't be illegal. It
is another example
of artificial scarcity.
What does "scarcity" have to do with anything. No one else has any
right to my creations - they are mine. It is up to ME whether I want to
give it away or charge for it or refuse to show it to anyone.