On 01/10/12 01:07, Diego Simak wrote:
If that kernel is not suitable for you (I mean, you
get a lot of xruns),
then you can use the PREEMPT or RT Kernels that are included in the
Official Ubuntu Repositories (which are configured in the apt sources
automatically) and see how it works before going to a manual kernel
10.04 does have a real-time kernel in the repos, 2.6.31-rt. But the
2.6.33 real-time kernel from Tango Studio is superior. At least, I
didn't have a lot of success with the real-time kernel from the Ubuntu
repos while the one from Tango Studios is still going strong.
Later versions of Ubuntu do not have a real-time kernel available
anymore, only via PPA's. But indeed, with the whole IRQ threading thing
being merged in the mainline kernel you could ask yourself, do I really
need a real-time kernel. In my case I dare to say yes, haven't done any
A-B testing with a low-latency kernel but I get the feeling that I can
get the most out of a real-time kernel. That's why I'm thinking about
switching to Arch but unfortunately the 3.0 real-time kernel is not
stable enough (it crashes on any plug-in that uses the Juce framework,
need to file a bugreport).