could you not wget the URL in question and see what headers are sent back by the web
server. that might clear up what kind of file is being sent back. you could also look at
the text of the returned file to find out if its a meta stream description or something.
- matthew
On Sat, 12 Oct 2002 17:33:00 -0400
"Lloyd R. Prentice" <pai(a)> wrote:
Hi D. R.,
D R Holsbeck wrote:
On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 13:14, Patrick Shirkey
Cold Fusion deals with files through the <CFFILE ACTION="someAction">
where someAction = Move|Rename|Copy|Delete|Read|Write.
An example of the Read action would be:
var_name is the name of the CF variable that will contain the file once it's read.
Is this any more help?
not really. There is a link on a page which points to this address:
Find the file that is pointed at by /launch.cfm. In other words
launch.cfm should include something similar to
> FILE="file_name"
> VARIABLE="var_name">
as pointed out by Patrick.
The problem is, as I pointed out in an earlier post, the CFFILE tag is processed on the
server side; it's not accessible on the client side. If Patrick has access to the
and *.cfm source, on the other hand, he may have hope.
Best wishes,
Lloyd R. Prentice