On Wed, 2014-09-10 at 18:49 +0200, Nacho - wrote:
Also own one BCR-2000 and I do not recommend it. Some
of the first row
knobs now don't work properly on my unit and has never left my room.
It does not seem a reliable device for me, It is tempting, cheap and
with all that rotary encoders, but...
I don't own those Behringer control devices, but all switches (mute, sub
group routing etc.) of my Behringer analog mixer are defect. When unused
the mixer is covered with a plastic sheet and the switches were seldom
used, they get broken 2 or 3 years after I bought it. Non of the faders
suffers from dust, faders and potentiometers are still ok and it's much
older than 3 years now. I didn't test Kontakt 60 to clean, Kontakt WL to
sluice out and Kontakt 61 to lubricate. Btw. using Kontakt 61 aerosol
for faders does avoid fader death after cleaning. The cans lose pressure
very soon, perhaps I should open the cans and spray it with my
airbrush :D. Anyway, did you test cleaning the knobs using cleaning
aerosols and after cleaning it a protection aerosol?