ok, no prob, now I know, thanks for answering -
and thanks so much for doing such a great job with Ardour!
Paul Davis schrieb:
On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 16:31 +0100, Susanne Schneider
hi all,
this week I compiled Ardour 2.2 with vst support and now have to experience my already
existing sessions opening without vst plugins...
It's not a catastropy as I'm only a hobby musician and can rebuild my few
sessions (I mostly use ladspa anyway).
Of course it would be nice to be able to open the old sessions completely, including
vst-plugins - does anyone know if there is a solution for that?
not yet. we changed the way plugins are identified between 2.1 and 2.2,
and i forgot to deal with back-compatibility.