On Mon, 09 May 2005 17:08:02 -0400, M P Smoak wrote:
I've been listening to kcsm recently using alsaplayer. They have a 128k
stream and a 64k mp3 stream. Both have sounded real good everytime till
Right now the ogg stream is very distorted/corrupted. I sent them an
email, but I'm still interested in what's causing this.
I can bring up 2 instances of Alsaplayer and listen to first one stream
and then the other. Alsaplayer reports the mp3 stream as 64k, but the
streaming rate for the 128k stream varies, 110 to 230 rapidly. I never
payed attention to the stream rate before but I know I've been using the
ogg stream and I think I would have noticed this rapid variation.
I running a recent PlanetCCRMA RH9 setup.
Who's problem is it; theirs or Alsaplayers?
Dunno.. sounds fine to me.
The changing bitrate is normal for ogg streams AFAIK.