Well, for the past week I should have been on holiday in Scotland, but
after two days and some miserable weather a heavy cold sent me
scurrying home to feel sorry for myself. Well, of course with a week
now of 'uncommitted' time it was obvious what I would do, wasn't it :)
When I'm more or less satisfied with a piece of music, I first check it
on a pair of medium quality headphones for balance, then on my main
Hi-Fi which is quite a tasty unit, and finally on the car stereo, to see
what it sounds like with a truly mangled frequency response.
I was so excited about my latest piece - Ripples In A Pond - that I was
in the car at 1am checking it out. It's OK, I think my neighbours
already know I'm crazy.
The second part of this tune - Echo From The Lake - was very much an
after thought, but now I think it's the best part of it!
I also finally have Footsteps put together to my satisfaction. I don't
know quite how I did it but the 3rd section as a real room filling
quality. The brisk march at the end nearly didn't happen. The melody by
itself seemed a bit thin and weedy.
There are several other new tunes and a couple of updated ones - I told
you I'd been busy :)
Please have a look and tell me what you think.
Will J G