"David W. Jones" <gnome(a)hawaii.rr.com> writes:
Sorry, you're right. I was looking at a different
image. It showed the
XR18 with a separate hardware mixing board.
My take on digital vs analog mixers is the digital digitizes incoming
audio, processes it digitally, and outputs digital (via USB) and
analog (via audio cables) audio. This is based solely on my thoughts,
no evidence. I've never worked with a digital mixer.
From a signal processing perspective, it could make
sense to do the
mixing and IIR-based filtering after the immediate A/D conversion
_without_ digital antialiasing filtering and downsampling and skip the
respective inverse stages for D/A conversion. That could cut down on
conversion delay and phase artifacts.
Whether this is actually done, I am skeptical: high-quality A/D
converters have the filtering and downsampling stuff integrated and I
doubt that they have a fast unfiltered parallel high-rate side-channel
Here too, "This is based solely on my thoughts, no evidence. I've never
worked with a digital mixer." is applicable.
David Kastrup